Friday, August 23, 2013

Dying to crawl

You've got all the right moves, up on your hands and knees rocking back and forth but haven't quite figured out how to go forward. It's driving you crazy not to be able to get to what you want. But it's oh so fun to watch you learn. 

Look who is 6 months!

I'm not sure how it happened so fast but you are 6 months old. You have become such a good baby and don't even cry unless you are hungry or tired. You sit up all by yourself and have 2 teeth still. You love to smile and giggle at your sisters. Now if only we could get you to sleep a little better at night. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Sweet love

Your sister Ava takes such good care of you. She takes you for rides on her plasma car and even lets you use her sock monkey as a pillow.

Who's my cute friend?

You love your little friend in the mirror. Ever since about 4 months whenever we would walk by a mirror or hold you in front of one you would start smiling, laughing or squealing.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

No longer tipsy

This little munchkin can sit all alone now without falling over. Until she leans forward to attempt to crawl that is.....