Thursday, December 12, 2013

Getting around

Genevieve you are getting around really well these days and pulling up on everything an walking around furniture. I have to hustle to keep up with you and your messes. Here's a few pics I captured just of some of today's antics. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013


You haven't really been terribly interested in food so sometimes I forget I should feed you. You love sweet potatoes and any combination with them. You like olives, don't love refried beans. 


 If mama folds laundry instead of putting you to bed, you might have to take matters into your own hands. 

Look who's got doubles

Pigtails that is. I've been able to put one pony in your hair for a couple months enough to clip a bow in but today is the first time we've tried two. Stinkin cute! 

Gobble gobble

You spent your first Thanksgiving at the Vincent's house. You enjoyed some mashed potatoes, some stuffing and sweet potatoes and were mesmerized by your sisters as cousins all weekend. 

Sick is no fun

Poor baby. You have been sick all week. A fever for a couple days and then just uncomfortable and unhappy. You've been more tired than usual as your body tries to get better and last night we didnt realize you were ready for bed until you put yourself to sleep on the living room floor. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Here comes the mullet

Ava had one, Charlie had one and here you go. You're turn to pass through the mullet stage and look cute doing it.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

9 months

Your chubby little legs say 12 months but the calendar says you are now 9 months. What?! It went so fast. You crawl all over the place, pull up and walk along furniture. You have 7 teeth, love to clap and wave and drink water from a sippy cup as long as mommy will hold it for you. You still don't sleep more than 4 hours at a time at night but I'm hopeful that will change soon. You love daddy and squeal when he gets home and comes to you. You don't like mommy leaving the room or walking past and not picking you up and you cry when this happens. When you're hungry or tired and see mom you crawl quickly towards me saying mamamamamamama. You love your sisters and they dote on you. Can't imagine life without our little GG. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Oatmeal is for bathing

You have had a yucky yeast rash for a few days so we gave you an oatmeal bath because its supposed to be soothing. You won't touch the stuff for breakfast but you were thrilled to bathe in it. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Watch out for black cats!

GG survived her first Halloween. She dressed as a cat for the ward trunk or treat and a ladybug for the actual day. Not sure I got a picture of the ladybug. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

8 months!

Yep. You are 8 months old. You crawl all over the place and pull up on everything. I even caught you halfway up the stairs today. You love to blow raspberries with your mouth when you're mad and babble up a storm the rest of the time. We all love you to pieces. 

Daddy oh daddy

You love your daddy. You get excited when you see him and love to slap the top of his head and low raspberries all over his face. He kinda likes you too. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sit n spin

Every time I put you in a shopping cart you end up like this. Silly baby. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Baby friends

Our friends the Muellers are staying with us right now and you are the same age as their son Max. You guys love each other and are too cute together. 

Little tongue

This is the new face you make all the time. I'm guessing its because you are rubbing your tongue across the 4 top teeth you are getting at the SAME TIME. Still, every time I see you stick this little tongue out I can't help but laugh and wanna kiss your cute face.

Feasting on the word

You looked a little guilty this week (9/13/13) when I caught you tearing and eating an Ensign. You love all paper right now. You love the sound it makes and you love to eat it. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Four teeth is four too many

You are teething right now and I thought you might be getting a top tooth. Then I checked your mouth and you have four top teeth coming in at the same time. Poor baby and yet you are still as happy as can be most of the time. This week you decided you like food. I've tried to feed you several times in the past month but you haven't really been interested much. But yesterday you scarfed down some carrots and butternut squash and snacked on my plum as well. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Crawly crawlerton

This little girl started full crawling today. She was so proud of herself too and her sisters were singing her praises. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Dying to crawl

You've got all the right moves, up on your hands and knees rocking back and forth but haven't quite figured out how to go forward. It's driving you crazy not to be able to get to what you want. But it's oh so fun to watch you learn. 

Look who is 6 months!

I'm not sure how it happened so fast but you are 6 months old. You have become such a good baby and don't even cry unless you are hungry or tired. You sit up all by yourself and have 2 teeth still. You love to smile and giggle at your sisters. Now if only we could get you to sleep a little better at night. 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Sweet love

Your sister Ava takes such good care of you. She takes you for rides on her plasma car and even lets you use her sock monkey as a pillow.

Who's my cute friend?

You love your little friend in the mirror. Ever since about 4 months whenever we would walk by a mirror or hold you in front of one you would start smiling, laughing or squealing.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

No longer tipsy

This little munchkin can sit all alone now without falling over. Until she leans forward to attempt to crawl that is.....

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Little sitter

Look who can sit all by herself! She still occasionally topples over but she is getting the hang of it.

Spinach, rutabaga, and apples oh my!

While you have had a taste here and there of watermelon and avocado, this week was your first time with real baby food on a spoon. You loved it and were so happy afterward. Perhaps your belly was finally full.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Welcome sweet baby girl

Welcome to the world sweet baby girl.  It was quite the day.  For the first time in all my pregnancies I made it to my due date - January 30, 2013.  Your dad was leaving in a few days for work so I decided to get induced.  My best friend LE Yanelli was there to document the whole day. Your daddy spent the whole day at the hospital and after you arrived, your two big sisters and your two grandmas came to see you. It took us a couple days to decide but we settled on your name - Genevieve Gale (after my grandfather and father) Vincent.  We plan to call you G.G. 

Daddy threatening to turn up my pitocin to speed things up

Dilated to a 3!

Your heart rate kept dropping so they had me on oxygen

Dilated to a 10! Let's get this party started.

6:26 and you were here

7lbs 13oz

The doctor kept saying "look at how beautiful that umbilical cord is" so we had to get a picture.

Daddy holding you for the first time.

Already in love

I couldn't eat during labor and the nurse kept promising me chocolate when I was done.

Our nurses

Dr. Jennifer Newton

We did it!

First family picture with you

The local newspaper on your birth day.