Tuesday, January 21, 2014

10 months 10 months

This baby is 10 months. You are so sweet and high maintenance. You still wake up several times a night. You are still not a giant fan of solid food. You will eat baby food out of the pouches but are very picky about real food we give you. You love frozen blueberries and have the stain from them all over your face in these pictures. You can stand all by yourself and take a step but then you sit down. You make the funniest facial expressions and love to try to mimic your sisters. You give kisses, blow kisses and give high fives. You also wave goodbye. You love to eat paper and we call You our little goat. You love to crawl after your sisters and try to be wherever the action is. You are pure joy despite making your mom a zombie. Can't imagine life without your sweet, chubby self!

On my own two feet

Look who is standing on her own like crazy these days! You will even bounce and dance but one step is all you take before you chicken out.