Friday, February 1, 2013

Welcome sweet baby girl

Welcome to the world sweet baby girl.  It was quite the day.  For the first time in all my pregnancies I made it to my due date - January 30, 2013.  Your dad was leaving in a few days for work so I decided to get induced.  My best friend LE Yanelli was there to document the whole day. Your daddy spent the whole day at the hospital and after you arrived, your two big sisters and your two grandmas came to see you. It took us a couple days to decide but we settled on your name - Genevieve Gale (after my grandfather and father) Vincent.  We plan to call you G.G. 

Daddy threatening to turn up my pitocin to speed things up

Dilated to a 3!

Your heart rate kept dropping so they had me on oxygen

Dilated to a 10! Let's get this party started.

6:26 and you were here

7lbs 13oz

The doctor kept saying "look at how beautiful that umbilical cord is" so we had to get a picture.

Daddy holding you for the first time.

Already in love

I couldn't eat during labor and the nurse kept promising me chocolate when I was done.

Our nurses

Dr. Jennifer Newton

We did it!

First family picture with you

The local newspaper on your birth day.