Thursday, December 12, 2013

Getting around

Genevieve you are getting around really well these days and pulling up on everything an walking around furniture. I have to hustle to keep up with you and your messes. Here's a few pics I captured just of some of today's antics. 

Saturday, December 7, 2013


You haven't really been terribly interested in food so sometimes I forget I should feed you. You love sweet potatoes and any combination with them. You like olives, don't love refried beans. 


 If mama folds laundry instead of putting you to bed, you might have to take matters into your own hands. 

Look who's got doubles

Pigtails that is. I've been able to put one pony in your hair for a couple months enough to clip a bow in but today is the first time we've tried two. Stinkin cute! 

Gobble gobble

You spent your first Thanksgiving at the Vincent's house. You enjoyed some mashed potatoes, some stuffing and sweet potatoes and were mesmerized by your sisters as cousins all weekend. 

Sick is no fun

Poor baby. You have been sick all week. A fever for a couple days and then just uncomfortable and unhappy. You've been more tired than usual as your body tries to get better and last night we didnt realize you were ready for bed until you put yourself to sleep on the living room floor.