Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sit n spin

Every time I put you in a shopping cart you end up like this. Silly baby. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Baby friends

Our friends the Muellers are staying with us right now and you are the same age as their son Max. You guys love each other and are too cute together. 

Little tongue

This is the new face you make all the time. I'm guessing its because you are rubbing your tongue across the 4 top teeth you are getting at the SAME TIME. Still, every time I see you stick this little tongue out I can't help but laugh and wanna kiss your cute face.

Feasting on the word

You looked a little guilty this week (9/13/13) when I caught you tearing and eating an Ensign. You love all paper right now. You love the sound it makes and you love to eat it. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Four teeth is four too many

You are teething right now and I thought you might be getting a top tooth. Then I checked your mouth and you have four top teeth coming in at the same time. Poor baby and yet you are still as happy as can be most of the time. This week you decided you like food. I've tried to feed you several times in the past month but you haven't really been interested much. But yesterday you scarfed down some carrots and butternut squash and snacked on my plum as well. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

Crawly crawlerton

This little girl started full crawling today. She was so proud of herself too and her sisters were singing her praises.